If I am ever quiet about a particular topic.... Its simply because I am not yet equipped to speak on it. I take time to reflect and seek wisdom from God before any devotion, sermon , or blog I post.The most insightful wisdom comes from Christ. As humans and as Christians we think we have all the answers, but we don't..... Sometimes we think we know.... Sometimes we can let our emotions run our hearts.... Changing things does not always require us to boycott and riot in an uncivil way. The best result is always through way of prayer and seeking. Change starts with serving hearts and ends with faithful souls. At the end of the day ....GOD is in control. The only control we have is how far we are willing to go to allow God to work ...... How much we let him use us to spread love and the Gospel is our choice. Change can not happen if God is taken out of it. Stop and listen for Him to speak to you. Allow him to correct you when your overemotional and let him give you peace before the change. Remember before publicly displaying your emotions......Ask God what he wants you to do. Yes he will answer and no this doesn't make you mentally ill. Dont be afraid to talk to Him.
