Life is full of

challenges. At times it feels like , you're on an open road. Sometimes the road is peaceful, relaxing, it's as if you can roll down the window and smell the breeze and take in the journey. There are times of excitement, and impatience. A need for speed, as if you feel like you have to hurry to get where you're going. Sometimes your journey brings you to a standstill , just like a traffic jam. So you are left feeling like you are going nowhere. Maybe just maybe, the road you chose to take was the wrong one. So you're waiting for that next exit to turn back. Then comes the detour ,that's inevitable. Everyone at some point has to go down the rough road. Due to incliment weather conditions, pot holes, rugged terrain, or just plain life altering situations. No matter where your road leads, no matter how many times you have to pull over to cry, no matter how bad the road gets...The Lord God is right there ,all in ,on this journey with you. Something to remember is, the fact that, we often trust an electronic GPS, but have so little faith in Him. Let's be honest here, those darn GPS's have a habit of taking us down some pretty shady roads. Trusting God to be our guide is the best result for this road we are traveling. Allowing the Holy Spirt to be your guide through each day, on every road, and through every journey will never end bad. The bumps and roughness doesn't last forever. Let Him direct your path and pave the way. Obey quickly when He directs you to serve others, forgive others, and trust in Him. Always strive to be thankful and rejoice in the blessings He points out to you along the way.
If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. -Galatians 5:25